The AOA Physician Services team works directly with payers to influence policy decisions, advocate for advantageous payment reforms, and address coverage and access issues of critical importance to DOs.
AOA Physician Services
The team is tasked with:
Helping ensure optimal outcomes for AOA members by advocating on behalf of physicians and their practices as issues, disputes or opportunities arise related to proper reimbursement and prompt payment for services;
Developing, maintaining and continuously strengthening relationships with payers and allied organizations or groups;
Managing the design and implementation of strategic outreach initiatives to educate public and private payers on the distinctive philosophy and practice of osteopathic medicine; and
Providing subject matter expertise and insight-driven recommendations on AOA activities and campaigns involving coverage, reimbursement, payment reform and/or insurance industry operations.
For additional details about Physician Services, explore AOA’s Business of Medicine resource, call us at (312)202-8194. AOA members seeking private payer advocacy or practice related assistance can reach us directly at