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Upcoming LIVE Events: Digital Health Innovation

Past Events: Digital Health Innovation

Upcoming LIVE Webinars: Physician Services

CME On-Demand: Physician Services


AOIA is accredited by the American Osteopathic Association to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

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Ask the Expert: Digital Health Office Hours | Monthly Q & A Sessions Every 3rd Thursday

Ask the Expert: Digital Health Office Hours | Monthly Q & A Sessions Every 3rd Thursday

Virtual Event | No CME Credits Provided | April 17, 2025 | 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. CT
These sessions are open to all who are interested in advancing osteopathic voices in digital health.

AOiA Ask the Expert: Digital Health Office Hours is a monthly virtual session where members of a Digital Health Community of Practice can ask questions and seek guidance from osteopathic digital health experts in an informal setting. These sessions are open to all who are interested in advancing osteopathic voices in digital health. Join us every 3RD Thursday of the month from 4-5pm CT/5-6pm ET.

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A Deeper Dive at Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare and the Impact on Osteopathic Medicine

A Deeper Dive at Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare and the Impact on Osteopathic Medicine

One (1) AOA 1A or AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™


Bradley Thornock, PhD MPH | Associate Professor of Medical Humanities, Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic Medicine
Timothy Tsai, DO, MMCi | Stanford School of Medicine

Learning Objectives:

  • Apply the current applications of AI in healthcare, with a focus on relevance to osteopathic practices and philosophy.

  • Evaluate the potential impacts of AI on osteopathic diagnostic and treatment approaches.

  • Identify ethical considerations and challenges in implementing AI within the osteopathic medical field.

  • Explore how AI can complement and enhance the holistic, patient-centered approach (e.g., mind, body and spirit) of osteopathic medicine.

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Ask the Expert: Digital Health Office Hours | Monthly Q & A Sessions Every 3rd Thursday

Ask the Expert: Digital Health Office Hours | Monthly Q & A Sessions Every 3rd Thursday

Virtual Event | No CME Credits Provided | March 20, 2025 | 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. CT
These sessions are open to all who are interested in advancing osteopathic voices in digital health.

AOiA Ask the Expert: Digital Health Office Hours is a monthly virtual session where members of a Digital Health Community of Practice can ask questions and seek guidance from osteopathic digital health experts in an informal setting. These sessions are open to all who are interested in advancing osteopathic voices in digital health. Join us every 3RD Thursday of the month from 4-5pm CT/5-6pm ET.

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Difficult Patients, Regulators and Lawyers: How to Keep %#@^ From Hitting the Fan

Difficult Patients, Regulators and Lawyers: How to Keep %#@^ From Hitting the Fan

1.0 AOA Category 2-A credit

Speaker: Jeff Segal MD, JD
Cost: $60 AOA Members | $85 Non-Members | $20 Students/Residents
(Email physicianservices@osteopathic.org for discount code)
Post-test available until: December 31, 2026 at 11:59 PM CT

Sometimes, the %$#^ hits the fan. As hard as we try to screen patients well, no one’s processes are perfect. Mismanaged expectations can create post-procedure headaches. And even when you set expectations properly, other issues, sometimes psychiatric, may blossom into full view on post-treatment visit number one. We’ll discuss how to prevent conflict before it starts; and how to manage it when it occurs. We‘ll walk through “war stories” and how we solved them. We’ll address lawsuits, Board complaints, and doctors who went to prison.

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Implementation of Digital Health Technologies: Ensuring Privacy & Security, Safety and Usability

Implementation of Digital Health Technologies: Ensuring Privacy & Security, Safety and Usability

This activity has been approved for (1) AOA 1A or AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™

Doug Mirsky, PhD | Vice President, DiMe Seal
Mark Zhang, DO, MMSc, FAMIA | American Medicine of Extended Reality Association (AMXRA)

Learning Objectives:

  • Explain key considerations and lessons learned when implementing digital health technologies within an institution (e.g., academic medical center and government).

  • Discuss strategies to integrate secure and user-friendly digital health solutions into osteopathic institutions and practices.

  • Interpret research and development opportunities and implementation challenges around digital health solutions at osteopathic practices.

  • Explain the DiME Seal and its core competency areas and evidence-based benchmarks

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Ask the Expert: Digital Health Office Hours | Monthly Q & A Sessions Every 3rd Thursday

Ask the Expert: Digital Health Office Hours | Monthly Q & A Sessions Every 3rd Thursday

Virtual Event | No CME Credits Provided | February 20, 2025 | 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. CT
These sessions are open to all who are interested in advancing osteopathic voices in digital health.

AOiA Ask the Expert: Digital Health Office Hours is a monthly virtual session where members of a Digital Health Community of Practice can ask questions and seek guidance from osteopathic digital health experts in an informal setting. These sessions are open to all who are interested in advancing osteopathic voices in digital health. Join us every 3RD Thursday of the month from 4-5pm CT/5-6pm ET.

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Beating Back the Blahs (Burnout)

Beating Back the Blahs (Burnout)

This activity has been approved for 1.0 AOA Category 2-A credit

Speaker: Neil H. Baum, MD
Cost: $60 AOA Members | $85 Non-Members | $20 Students/Residents
(Email physicianservices@osteopathic.org for discount code)
Post-test available until: December 31, 2026 at 11:59 PM CT

Mid-career malaise impacts most physicians, and this discontent is common in middle age. Physicians who have achieved acclaim and success aren’t immune to these feelings. Many physicians are stuck in a job or career they once loved, but today, their heart isn’t in it anymore. According to a Gallup survey, only one-third of U.S. physicians feel engaged at work, and only one in three consistently bring a high level of initiative, commitment, passion, and productivity to their jobs. That leaves most physicians less than satisfied with their work. Join Neil H. Baum, MD, as he provides guidance on how to overcome these feelings and eliminate the blahs. This is the third webinar in the Regaining the Joy of Practicing Medicine series.

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Ask the Expert: Digital Health Office Hours | Monthly Q & A Sessions Every 3rd Thursday

Ask the Expert: Digital Health Office Hours | Monthly Q & A Sessions Every 3rd Thursday

These sessions are open to all who are interested in advancing osteopathic voices in digital health.

AOiA Ask the Expert: Digital Health Office Hours is a monthly virtual session where members of a Digital Health Community of Practice can ask questions and seek guidance from osteopathic digital health experts in an informal setting. These sessions are open to all who are interested in advancing osteopathic voices in digital health. Join us every 3RD Thursday of the month from 4-5pm CT/5-6pm ET.

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Modernizing Osteopathic Medicine: Advancing the Next Frontier of DOs

Modernizing Osteopathic Medicine: Advancing the Next Frontier of DOs

This activity has been approved for (1) AOA 1A or AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™

Steve Legault
| Director of Knowledge, Learning, and Assessment, ACOFP
Dr. Regan Stiegmann, DO, MPH, FACLM, DipABLM | Chief Medical Officer of LPMLAB; Co-Director of Digital Health Track of Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic Medicine
Dr. Ravi Yarid, DO | Assistant Professor of Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine

Learning Objectives:

  • Define the core tenants (e.g., transparency, equity, accountability) driving innovation curriculum and the use of AI within osteopathic education.

  • Illustrate the proof of value of digital health technologies for the osteopathic medical community. leveraging use cases relevant to the full scope of practice

  • Provide an update on relevant digital health osteopathic student research and how to leverage its findings for the future .

  • Summarize the outputs around the digital health themes from the ACOFP Education Needs Assessment and Share the ACOFP/DiME Digital Health Certificate opportunity.

After the Live Webinar Date, this CME Webinar will be recorded and become available On-Demand to access online at a later date.

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2025 Physician Fee Schedule - The AOA Perspective

2025 Physician Fee Schedule - The AOA Perspective

This activity has been approved for 1.0 AOA CATEGORY 1-A CREDIT

Duration: 60 minutes

Speakers: Linda Delo, DO; Gabriel Miller
Cost: $25 AOA Members | $50 Non-Members

Post-test available until: November 30, 2025, at 11:59 PM CT

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has issued its 2025 physician fee schedule (PFS) final rule. It includes many revisions and additions that significantly affect the billing, coding, and delivery of remote care management. Join Linda Delo, DO, and Gabriel Miller, AOA Senior Director of Regulatory Affairs, as they go over the changes and how they will impact your practice.

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The Plight of a Pedestaled Physician: Prostration and My Path to Resilience

The Plight of a Pedestaled Physician: Prostration and My Path to Resilience

1.0 AOA Category 1-A credit

Speaker: Nora Nneka Ekeanya, DO
Cost: $60 AOA Members | $85 Non-Members | $20 Students/Residents
(Email physicianservices@osteopathic.org for discount code)
Post-test available until: December 31, 2024 at 11:59 PM CT

Nora Nneka Ekeanya, DO, briefly discusses the social history of the practice of medicine, the impact of capitalism and the recent COVID-19 pandemic, and tips for doctors of this new era. She will share her personal experiences with mental health crises and her path to healing and sustained resilience. This is a webinar in the Regaining the Joy of Practicing Medicine series.

This webinar is recorded and available on-demand after November 14, 2024. Register today and view at your convenience.

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Embracing the Digital Revolution in Osteopathic Medicine: Leveraging Technology to Enhance Patient Care and Practice Efficiency

Embracing the Digital Revolution in Osteopathic Medicine: Leveraging Technology to Enhance Patient Care and Practice Efficiency

This activity has been approved for One (1) AOA 1A or AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™

Dr. David Shumway, DO, Cap
t. | United States Airforce
Dr. Sameer Sood, DO | CEO of FwdSlash

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe the newly launched AOIA digital health initiative and how collective action solves pain points and promotes innovation for the broader osteopathic profession.

  • Explain key digital health technologies and use cases most relevant to the full scope of osteopathic medicine.

  • Discuss potential implementation challenges and opportunities in adopting digital health technologies within an osteopathic practice.

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ICD-10-CM Updates for 2025

ICD-10-CM Updates for 2025

Each year, the ICD-10 code system sees new, revised, and deleted codes. Making sure your practice is aware of these codes is imperative. Changes in the Guidelines for ICD-10-CM can also affect proper coding for your practice and reimbursement. Be sure to listen in to know what will affect your practice day-to-day and also what will affect it in unusual circumstances.

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The Stigma of Mental Health (On-Demand)

The Stigma of Mental Health (On-Demand)

Michael Foti, DO, explores root causes of the stigma of mental health among the medical community. He will share his personal experience and cover prevention strategies for burnout during resident training and beyond. This is the first webinar in the Regaining the Joy of Practicing Medicine series.

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Special Contractual Issues for Female Physicians

Special Contractual Issues for Female Physicians

According to a study by the AMA, nearly two-thirds of women physicians said that they feel disadvantaged when it comes to negotiating contracts, and almost half said they were evaluated using different criteria than men were during the hiring process. There shouldn't be special contractual considerations for female physicians, but unfortunately there are. Female physicians must also walk a fine line when asked questions that are illegal. Unfortunately, until discrimination against female physicians ends, female physicians need to be especially vigilant in protecting their rights. Join Dennis Hursh, Esq., as he addresses the special contractual issues that may impact female physicians and discusses how to deal with any concerns.

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Can We Change How We Think About Difficult Patients?

Can We Change How We Think About Difficult Patients?

Every physician, nurse, EMT, respiratory therapist, and clinician of every specialty has mused about how much better their workplace would be if they did not have to deal with difficult patients or demanding families. What a delightful fantasy!

Join board-certified emergency physician and author of Changing How We Think About Difficult Patients, Joan Naidorf, DO, as she introduces a novel strategy for these challenging interactions. It's not about what they do; it's about what we think.

All it takes is a subtle shift in our thinking to make a difference. Register now to learn how you can change the way you think about difficult patients.

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Medical Practice Operations - Business Fundamentals 101 - 8 Module Webinar Series with Book

Medical Practice Operations - Business Fundamentals 101 - 8 Module Webinar Series with Book

This series of educational modules will offer clinicians deep insight into the business of healthcare, arming attendees with a granular understanding of medical practice operations, finances, and compensation. The series will consist of eight modules that will delve into the aspects of medical practice operations and management consisting of clinician employment opportunities, practice finances, clinician compensation, revenue cycle, legal aspects, clinic operations, healthcare IT, coding/compliance, and a final live module to answer your questions. Registrants will also receive a hard copy of our speaker's book - The Employed Physician: Your Essential Guide to the Business of Medicine. 

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Clinical Plagiarism - Is Your Documentation Putting Your Practice at Risk?

Clinical Plagiarism - Is Your Documentation Putting Your Practice at Risk?

The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act of 2009 (HITECH) started the encouragement for use of EMRs. It has been said that not only can (Electronic Medical Records) EMRs improve coordination of care and decision making among providers, but they can also increase practice efficiency and savings, reduce medical errors, and benefit clinical research.
On the other hand, the very nature of the electronic format gives rise to problems. One of which is allowing physicians to copy and paste clinical documentation. It is also referred to as a save as macro, or carry forward, or most descriptively—EMR cloning. If you have done this, you may have committed what is known as clinical plagiarism. Join us to learn the risk this puts on your practice.

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