AOA Profiles is the primary source for verifying osteopathic physician credentials information from the American Osteopathic Association for state medical licensing boards, medical staff professionals, and health plans.
Through this service, Healthcare Organizations, CVOs, Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine and State Boards can order profiles to verify physician credentials. Physicians can preview and send their profiles to state medical licensing boards.
If you're a physician, you can preview your profile and send your profile to one or more state medical licensing boards. Sending your profile is free of charge for AOA member physicians.
If you're from a Healthcare Organization, College of Osteopathic Medicine, CVO, or State Board you can order physician profiles to verify physician credentials.
AOA Profiles FAQ
The Official Physician Profile Report features comprehensive, up-to-date, primary-source information from the AOIA. See the sample profile for a detailed description.
AOA members send or order Profiles through at no cost. All other orders from are subject to the following fees:
Physician, Nonmember of AOA: $25 per Profile
Healthcare Organization:
$25 per Profile
Phone: (312) 202-8000