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Implementation of Digital Health Technologies: Ensuring Privacy & Security, Safety and Usability

This activity has been approved for (1) AOA 1A or AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™

Doug Mirsky, PhD | Vice President, DiMe Seal
Dr. Mark Zhang, DO, MMSc, FAMIA | American Medicine of Extended Reality Association (AMXRA)

Learning Objectives:

  • Explain key considerations and lessons learned when implementing digital health technologies within an institution (e.g., academic medical center and government).

  • Discuss strategies to integrate secure and user-friendly digital health solutions into osteopathic institutions and practices.

  • Interpret research and development opportunities and implementation challenges around digital health solutions at osteopathic practices.

  • Explain the DiME Seal and its core competency areas and evidence-based benchmarks

February 20

Ask the Expert: Digital Health Office Hours | Monthly Q & A Sessions Every 3rd Thursday

March 13

Difficult Patients, Regulators and Lawyers: How to Keep %#@^ From Hitting the Fan